Monday, November 26, 2018


Top 4 Skincare Myths

Over the years I have heard many things about how to have great skin and some of them have been true like wear sunscreen and don’t pop your pimples. But there have been some I have questioned over the years. These are addressed in a book I read not long ago “Write Your Skin a Prescription for Change," by Dr. Katie Rodan, M.D. and Dr. Kathy Fields, M.D. The doctors give the top 4 skincare myths they have heard over the years. The first one is my favorite.

Seriously people think drinking 8 glasses of water will fix anything... now the 4 myths...

1 - “I need to drink at least 8 glasses of water 💦 a day for my skin.” No, you don’t. The outside humidity determines how dry your skin will be. You need only 91 ounces of fluid a day and that can come from drink and food. Over Hydration can cause you to flush essential vitamins and electrolytes from your bloodstream.

2 - “90 percent of sun damage is done before I am 18 so it doesn’t matter what I do to my skin as an adult.”  No, sun damage to your skin continues as an adult. While 1 sunburn as a child can double your chance of developing skin cancer as an adult, you always need to protect yourself from UV rays.

3 - “I have oily skin, so I will age well.”  No, many factors play into how your skin ages and skin type doesn’t really make much of a difference.

4 - “Facial exercises will lift my skin.” No, sorry you can’t fight gravity. Sad news I know. I wish we could. The more you move your face, the deeper those lines get. Best not to force it with exercise, you are only making yourself look old.

Need more information about skincare? Check out

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Sunscreen Myths

I love Web MD for medical advice. Maybe I shouldn't read so much into it. The internet is always right after all...(LOL). But I tend to flock to Web MD  to see how really sick I or my children feel. 

So when I typed sunscreen myths in google up came my trusty old reliable Web MD.  

I thought I would share what I learned about sunscreen myths according to Web MD. 

Myth:  "The higher the SPF, the better the protection."

Interesting enough there are 3 kinds of ultraviolet UV rays; UVA, UVC, and UVA. UVA rays are the worst. They "penetrate" your skin and alter your pigmentation making your skin darker (the tan). Now UVB rays causes sunburn! This ray is also bad. It damages your skin's DNA and causes aging, pigment changes and cancerous tumors. UVC rays never make it through the atmosphere so at least we don't have to worry about them. 

To protect your skin from these rays, your  sunscreen needs to protect your skin from  both UVA and UVB rays. Broad spectrum means protection against UVA and UVB which is good, but look for an SPF of at least 15 and one of the following ingredients: mexoryl, oxybenzone or avobenzone (Parsol 1789) for UVA protection, or titanium dioxide.
Myth: "You don't need sunscreen on a cloudy day."
You need sunscreen everyday. Even on a cloudy day, UV rays will reach the Earth's surface and cause your skin sun damage. Also, make sure your are using sunscreen in addition to your make up that might have sunscreen in it. You can check your make up see if it protects both UVA and UVB rays. 

Find my favorite sunscreen here

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

MLM Shopping, Might as well Join Them

With all the MLM shopping that has been going on Facebook over the last five years, it is just time to join the sellers.

When did Facebook turn into an Avon shopping catalog on steroids? Yes, I am talking about all of those multi-level marketing (MLM) business products your best friends, moms and sisters now sell along with their cousins, their aunts and even their husbands.

There are so many clogging up my feeds that I could not even name them all if I tried.

I started noticing this trend of selling MLM products online about five years ago. I have to say I was intrigued and have watched many of my friends who sell their products succeed. Some have definitely earned professional-sized incomes and given themselves a better way to make money together as a family. Their live videos are a blast to watch and most the time I just watch to laugh with them, but I don’t buy a thing. It has replaced my Netflix movie time.

Others haven’t done so well, and have stop selling products. Nothing is guaranteed in this business.

I have also become a consumer of many of these products, especially the clothing, at my husband’s dismay. In most cases, these items for sale are not cheap and much more than the prices on amazon or your everyday retail store. But people love them and friends are supporting small businesses instead of the big giant corporations.

After years of watching live videos and buying, I decided I might as well get my own piece of the pie and join them. I definitely spend way too much time on social media, so now I spend way too much time on social media while enjoying my piece of the pie. I found a product I like and believe in and this has become my part-time gig.

 This month I decided to create my own Facebook page and use attraction marketing to give my business a jump start! In the last 13 days, I have received 90 new leads for new customers and business partners. I feel like I am finally on my way to success!

Watch to learn 4 reasons to join Rodan and Fields Skincare!