Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Am Learning How to Tidy Up Thanks to Netflix and Containers at the Dollar Store 

I've been watching Tiding Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. It seemed like a silly show to watch at first. Why would I waste my time on watching other people reorganize their homes? But curious, I checked it out and discovered some great ideas to reorganize my own life. 

First of all I must tell you that my cabinets and I have never gotten along. I organize them somewhat when I first moved into my home, but they never stay organized for very long, especially my bathroom and my Tupperware cabinets. I can describe them as toothbrush-toothpaste, makeup mess and my Tupperware cabinets as a mess of lids. I have had a really hard time finding the right lid for the right bottom. 

On the first episode Marie Kondo, organizer extraordinaire, helps a young couple with 2 young children organize their stuff. In this episode she brings over a box full of small boxes and containers telling the parents to use to organize their kitchen cabinets. What a great idea and one I had never thought of doing myself. 

So, off to the Dollar Store I went and discovered my own treasure of really cheap plastic containers. Some as cheap as $0.25. I can tell you my cabinets look much better. One thing Kondo says about keeping organized is making sure everything has its own place. My problem is my stuff has always had an almost place but never a set place. 

Using containers has helped me define what place each item in my life has. I know where it goes so I can put it where it goes with complete certainly. It sounds a bit trivial, but I promise it has helped my life of keeping a house of 8 people more organize. 

Now the trick will be teaching my children how to do this. Guess I will have to watch more Tiding Up episodes to figure out how to do this, tell my children they need to watch and learn.

Check out my video on how to Tidy Up!

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Finding My Way - Starting a Blog

You would think a former newspaper writer would have an easy time writing a blog? But for me, life happened. I stopped working as a newspaper reporter more than 12 years ago when I had my first child. My goal was to get back into it eventually, but then social media exploded and newspaper writing jobs became less and less.

So, what should I do? I asked myself this many times over the years. I still used my writing skills in a few stay-at-home jobs writing business content and editing. But I wanted to find a way to really get back into writing.

I started writing for The in 2016. This helped my confidence and when I started my own network marketing business in 2017, it became the perfect outlet for me to start my own blog!

So, I started Give it a Go Skincare Blog in 2018. I try to focus mainly on skincare tips, but I also gear toward network marketing and social media tips as well.

Now one thing I enjoy about writing blogs is the research. You can research anything and write a blog on it.

Below are some tips I found about writing a better blog. You don’t have to be the best at writing, you just need to start and find a way to make your content better than the next guy.

Millions of blogs are posted on the internet every week. So be unique, and establish your voice so readers will flock to you.

Need help on writing your blog? Here's 5 tips that can help you get more readers!!

1- Is valuable, credible, unique information that establishes you as an authentic human being who can help solve real people’s problems

2 - Is well-researched, deeply-felt, interesting, useful – even remarkable – information that your visitors won’t find anywhere else

3 - Stirs an emotional response from your readers: joy, surprise, awe, admiration, or gratitude

4 - Answers a question or solves a problem in a unique way, and provides information, insight, or resources your readers will find exceptional

5 - Establishes you as someone your visitors can feel they know, like, and trust enough to do business with

Click the link below and learn more about writing a readable blog!

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Monday, January 14, 2019

I Have Been Kissed by the Sun

Let's face it... I am the lucky one, the sun loves me. I have pale white skin that has been loved by the sun with all of my super fun freckles (sarcasm). It doesn't help that I have red hair either. I am a magnet for UV rays. Sunscreen is my friend. If I don't wear it when I am out, I obviously get burnt.

When I have a sunburn, I use Aloe Vera. I have used this for years. Aloe Vera is packaged in many different ways. I have used all types and all brands. My favorite is an after sun brand Aloe Vera lotion.

Since I have passed my red hair and white skin on to my children, I use this on them as well.

After I swim or I have been outside in the sun for a long time I use this lotion. If I am sun burnt, it keeps my skin from peeling and becoming extra dry. It doesn't matter if I am sun burnt or just dry from being out in the elements for a long period of time.

I have also heard that by breaking off a leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and rubbing the liquid from the plant onto your skin works even better for a sun burn than any product out there. However, I have yet to try this, but it seems like it would work well since it would be the most natural way to help your skin.

As for my many angel kisses from the sun...i.e. freckles, not much I can do to prevent those. I could wear a hat or stay inside most of the time. But since I am not much of a hat wearer and I really enjoy the outdoors, I started using Vitamin A and Retinol on my face. So far it has helped. My freckles have been fading and my skin looks healthier.

Here's some links to the products that work best for me.

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Thursday, January 10, 2019

How to heal scars with Nutrients?

Everyone has a scars they would like to get rid of. Some scars are more visible than others especially when it cannot be covered up by clothes. So, what can you do to help heal these scars? According to plastic surgeons, skin needs energy to heal scars. Eating healthier food that will give your body more energy is one way to help.
There are 4 nutrients that help scars heal:
  • Protein
  • Zinc 
  • Vitamins A 
  • Vitamin C

So what are the best things to eat?  Meats, nuts, beans and dairy products are great sources of protein.  Eating green peas, beef, black beans and other great sources of zinc can help. Carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach and apricots are great sources of vitamin A. Citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables are great sources of Vitamin C.

However, ours bodies do not outsource enough vitamin C to our skin. Finding a Vitamin C ointment for our skin can get that necessary Vitamin to the scarred area on our skin. 

Hydration is also critical to helping our skin. Dehydration causes the skin and soft tissues to lose moisture and become dry and dry wounds do not heal well. Scar treatments containing dimethicone silicone also help boost skin hydration by trapping moisture into our skin. 

As for most things, Smoking can also really affect the skin’s ability to heal. The nicotine in cigarette smoke causes blood vessels to shrink, so tissues do not receive enough of the nutrients and oxygen required for healing. 
Many of us have old acne scars we would like to get rid of. Eating healthier can help these scars as well. In addition, I have found that Rodan and Field's Night Renewing Serum helps diminish old acne scars. Here are some links to this and other products that can help heal scars.

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