I Have Been Kissed by the Sun
Let's face it... I am the lucky one, the sun loves me. I have pale white skin that has been loved by the sun with all of my super fun freckles (sarcasm). It doesn't help that I have red hair either. I am a magnet for UV rays. Sunscreen is my friend. If I don't wear it when I am out, I obviously get burnt.
When I have a sunburn, I use Aloe Vera. I have used this for years. Aloe Vera is packaged in many different ways. I have used all types and all brands. My favorite is an after sun brand Aloe Vera lotion.
Since I have passed my red hair and white skin on to my children, I use this on them as well.
After I swim or I have been outside in the sun for a long time I use this lotion. If I am sun burnt, it keeps my skin from peeling and becoming extra dry. It doesn't matter if I am sun burnt or just dry from being out in the elements for a long period of time.
I have also heard that by breaking off a leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and rubbing the liquid from the plant onto your skin works even better for a sun burn than any product out there. However, I have yet to try this, but it seems like it would work well since it would be the most natural way to help your skin.
As for my many angel kisses from the sun...i.e. freckles, not much I can do to prevent those. I could wear a hat or stay inside most of the time. But since I am not much of a hat wearer and I really enjoy the outdoors, I started using Vitamin A and Retinol on my face. So far it has helped. My freckles have been fading and my skin looks healthier.
Here's some links to the products that work best for me.
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